Posted in Be a PhD, Headlines, Infant, Parenting, Preschooler, Toddler

How to Get a Child “Ready” for Preschool

Recently I did some work with Parents magazine about the importance of preschool and what a quality preschool looks like. The first topic I was asked to address is something that I am asked often: How do you “prepare” a child for preschool? My answer is always to remember three things: Talk to them, Read to them and Let them PLAY. Continue reading “How to Get a Child “Ready” for Preschool”

Posted in Headlines, Learning and Development, Teaching Strategies

Math, Science, Social Studies and ELA in Block Play

Early childhood educators know that children learn the best and the most through their play. We are trained to see the learning and the different “content areas” within the play, and then ask good open-ended questions to enhance the children’s learning. Here is a video of simple block play experience with a 4 1/2 year old. Continue reading “Math, Science, Social Studies and ELA in Block Play”